Click on "comments" below to see how some people got involved in 2016.


Anonymous said...

To help out a fellow teacher I took one of her students out of the room to work. This gave the teacher a little time to regroup!

Anonymous said...

Spent some time on the road this weekend. Stopped at a couple of convenience stores and left a Nicket along with money for a cup of coffee for the next person who came in and ordered coffee.

Anonymous said...

I was "Nicked" yesterday! Lana Eeten and I work at all the home gymnastics meets. While working, we often get cold (especially our feet!). So on Monday, when I returned to work, I checked my mailbox. To my surprise, I found a pair of new smartwool socks! Lana swears by these socks & says that they are the best. Attached to these amazing socks was a "Nicket". Made me smile and tear up as Nick was a dear classmate of mine. It amazes me (by no surprise) how his legacy of kindness has carried on. Every time I put these socks on I will now think of Nick and the wonderful man he was. This not only made my day, but made my week! I will carry on the good deed & be sure someone else gets "Nicked" so another person can feel the love and kindness this world has to offer! Thank you, Lana!

Anonymous said...

We successfully Nicked NDSU's student union and library by leaving bags of "Free Hugs" (Hershey's hugs) around with Nickits!

Also had an awesome experience where we dropped off a bag of "Free Hugs" to someone we know who was working late and received Snapchats the rest of the night of the bag of "hugs" getting passed forward to other people.

Miss you Nick. <3

Steadman and Broeden Fenicle said...

For the 2nd year now my boys love to help me bake choc chip cookies and leave them on unsuspecting neighbors doorsteps. They love to decide who are we gonna "Nick" this year. Nick was a student of mine and his mother Casey is my son's teacher so we enjoy doing whatever we can to keep his memory alive. He was one of a kind! Always in our hearts!

Anonymous said...

Took apple crisp and cinnamon ice cream to work to share with co-workers. (Food at work always makes people's day) Was fun making people smile- and remembering just how much Nick loved making people smile and laugh. Miss him!

Anonymous said...

Blessed by co-workers who surprised us and brought in special treats two days in a row. They left "nickets" attached. What a fun way to celebrate Nick's memory. Looking forward to spreading this kindness and leaving "nickets" for others!

Anonymous said...

I purchased movie passes for the next three moms that were to arrive who brought their children to the theater to see a kids movie. With the free movie ticket, they were given a Nicket. Hope it made their day and that the goodwill will spread.

Anonymous said...

There is an awesome elderly woman from our church. I "nicked" her with a small gift and sat with her for a visit. I think she appreciated our time visiting more than the gift. Nick always took the time to visit with others.

Anonymous said...

Teaching my grand daughter about how Nick did nice things for all. Tonight we baked
brownies, sugar cookies and ice cream roll for some elderly friends and paid them a visit. We explained what being Nicked was and they liked it! As we left my grand daughter said I like visiting them. She thought it was fun to Nick someone.

Anonymous said...

Somebody bought me taco bell in the drive through! So I bought somebody taco bell in the drive through!

Anonymous said...

I got Nicked today! I came back to my work today and there was a bag of essential items: chocolate, post-it notes, pens, highlighters, and more chocolate, along with a reminder to "do some good". Planning right now how I can "pay it forward"!

Brenna Salzbrenner said...

It has been entirely too long since I shared tge Nicking I have been up to this year, so here's a run-down:
**The last two quarters of 2015 provided an opportunity to volunteer as a committee lead, along with a group of other fantastic volunteer committee members,to benefit the Women's Center for Advancement.

**February of 2016, was the beginning of my volunteer work with Camp Kindle, as Supplies Co-Lead, to start getting logistical aspects of the upcoming summer camp session organized (donations, vendor purchases, rental agreements, etc.).

**Spring cleaning allowed me to donate several bags of clothing to those in need.

**Just yesterday, less than a week after being inspired by a friend to do some good in a very direct way, a homeless person asked if I would pray for him and gave me his name, which I said I would do. After donating my recently cut hair to a salon (that was holding a collection drive in support of a local girl who was injured on a carnival ride) and then heading back to my car, I passed by the same homeless person and decided to NICK him. I asked "Juan, are you hungry? Would it be okay if I took you to get something to eat?" Juan said "Thank you, that would be amazing!" We then stopped at two places nearby he said he'd never been before, Little King & Juice Stop. My plan was to go buy a gift card or two for Juan to have, but spending the time with him and having some conversation while he decided what he wanted to eat & drink was so much better!! On my way home, I made sure to thank my friend for her generous and inspiring example!! It was a true moment of "making a great day" instead of just having a great day! After showing gratitude to my friend, my next thought was of Nick and the Wieme family...so I wanted to also celebrate them, for honoring Nick and encouraging good-doing in his memory!!

Christy Green said...

I just learned of “Nickets” this year, 2018. So thankful that Nick’s parents chose to honor their dear son in such an awesome way. Nick’s memory and how Casey and Bernie have chosen to live their lives causes me to think of life differently, by serving others. God bless Nick’s memory and much love to his parents.