2014 - Who Got Nicked?
Click on "Comments" to see who got Nicked last year...


Anonymous said...

Excellent idea. Love Nic - I will be nice if I have to, but only in his name.

Unknown said...

Love this idea!!!Wish I could have met Nick!!!
Lorinda Peters

Anonymous said...

We got Nicked today. We received a beautiful flower arrangement that reminded us of spring. There was a note attached that said "you've been nicked."
Thank you to the anonymous gifter!

Anonymous said...

Got Nicked with a box of chocolates. As Forest would say, "you never know what you're going to get," or something like that. And you never know when you might get "nicked!"

Unknown said...

Got Nicked with a Starbucks card. I do love me some starbucks. I held up the card as I went in and said "drink's on you Nick, be well up there and thanks for the smile!"

What a fun notion. Hopefully I can pass it forward. Especially as I read this blog and realize he was a kindred spirit as I see the mic in his hand and recall the mic I held doing stand up and improv myself.

What a great way to honor someone's spirit.

Anonymous said...

I was nicked last night with dark chocolate! Made my day, Nick!

Mpls, MN

Anonymous said...

I was treated to dinner by my friend. She paid the bill and told me I had been Nicked. Thanks Nick!

Fargo ND

SMitch said...

I just got Nicked with an amazing lemon cupcake! Thank you!

Minneapolis, MN

Val Carmody said...

I just got Nicked in Pipestone! I received the Famous Sugar Cookies from JS!

Pam Bisch said...

I was just Nicked with some Yummy JS sugar cookies. This is such a nice way to remember NICK here at PAS.

Duane and Janelle said...

We were Nicked with some JS cookies. It really is a good feeling. A way to add some kindness and thoughtfulness to difficult days. Thinking of you, Nick! Thanks for the cookies JS!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to remember Nick with kind deeds - - - so enjoyed the cup of coffee from Kelly's Sun. and the White Chocolate book that was in the Fireside room at church. Hope more get to read it!!! Sending up many prayers for you while serving the Banquet, blowing snow in the neighborhood etc.

Anonymous said...

Our office got "Nicked" Flowers and Starbucks coffee cake!! Thank you Nick for bring
ing us a reminder of warmer days ahead.

Anonymous said...

I was NICKED today. A friend of mine bought me a 2 month membership at our local fitness center! What an awesome gift.....as I exercise I will remember my wonderful friend....and of course Nick!

Anonymous said...

My dad and I were Nicked today with homemade cookies! We both knew Nick and will always remember him with a smile.

Anonymous said...

We were Nicked today. We recently moved into our new home. Our friends dropped by with a giant crate full of new-house necessities (and a few non-necessity beverages). They gave us a Nicket and told us we'd be "Nicked". Thanks for your goodness, Nick, it's gonna be passed on for sure.

Anonymous said...

We were Nicked today. My family and I received some delicious Cookies to enjoy during the Super Bowl tomorrow!! This is such wonderful idea. I can't wait to Nick someone.

Anonymous said...

I was, recently, Nicked with a Starbucks gift card. I enjoyed my mocha latte as I pondered how nice it is to do things for other people. I hope I am remembered in such an incredible way.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise on a Monday morning. I got nicked with a chocolate bar today. It absolutely made my morning. I can't wait to pass it on to others in honor of Nick's memory.

Anonymous said...

I too recently got "NICKED" with a starbucks card! Thank you MW!
What a wonderful idea to do in Nick's honor! I will be "Nicking" someone myself soon!

Omaha, NE

zadoptionstories said...

We nicked a family from our church with supper last Monday night. They welcomed a new baby in their family the week before.

Anonymous said...

I was Nicked today at work with a wonderful care package of chocolate, lotion, hand sanitizer, and footrub. Out of the blue - from somebody at work. It was awesome! I can't wait to Nick somebody else. I LOVE this idea.

Unknown said...

I just got "Nicked" today. I'm not really sure what I did to deserve this, but I definitely know others around me that deserve the be honored in Nick's name, so I AM ON IT! What a wonderful tribute!

Anonymous said...

My friend and our families did some "Nicking"!!! It felt so good and melted all of our hearts just a little bit and we know the receiver's hearts too!!! Their looks of disbelief said it all. It so reminded me how much good Nick did on a daily basis to help people feel good and have a better day than they were having without being touched by Nick's generous spirit! If all the world would live their lives the way Nick did, what a better place it would be!!!

Anonymous said...

My friend and our families did some "Nicking"!!! It felt so good and melted all of our hearts just a little bit and we know the receiver's hearts too!!! Their looks of disbelief said it all. It so reminded me how much good Nick did on a daily basis to help people feel good and have a better day than they were having without being touched by Nick's generous spirit! If all the world would live their lives the way Nick did, what a better place it would be!!!